
Want to build your brand, but unsure where to start?

Mar 30, 2024

Want to build your personal brand, but unsure where to start?

Here’s my #1 personal brand non-negotiable:

Some might say your vision…

Many might say your target market.

I say it’s your values.


If you don’t have your values defined, then it’s easy to be swept up by the current trends, strategies, and tactics.

And this happened to me.

You see, I once hired a coach who had conflicting values from mine.

His approach to sales was high-pressure (and borderline unethical).

But because I didn’t know my values, I realized that what he was doing was wrong for me.

And so, I conducted business based on HIS values.

What happened? 

Clients who were excited to work with me ended up dropping off right after the sales call stage.

They were drawn by my personality and story in my marketing, but were put off by my sales tactics —it was as if I was a different person.

And to make things worse, I felt disgusted by how I did business.

If you noticed from my story, our brand values manifests itself in two ways:


Externally: It informs the way you act and influences your audience’s experience with your personal brand.


Internally: It lets you know whether or not what you’re doing is still aligned with you as a person.

Once you’ve identified these values, you can use it as a compass to identify everything else —whether that’s you vision, mission, or market.

Trust me, it’s harder to change your values than it is to change everything else.

Whenever you're ready, here's how we can help:

🌟 Done-for-you Branding: Set up your marketing for success and become the top choice of your ideal clients. Learn more here or book a call to inquire.

📹 Undiscovered to Standing Out Training: Undiscovered to Standing Out Training: In this training, you’ll find out the 3 key ingredients that has helped my clients close a 7-figure project, and the #1 mistake most make when trying to stand out.