
Is Your Branding Weak?

Mar 19, 2024

I used to have very weak branding (ironic right?)

And this made it hard for me to stand out in my market.

That’s because strong branding = high perceived value

And weak branding = low perceived value

The difference between the two?



A strong brand is clear in its…

  • Promises
  • Actions
  • Messages
  • Looks
  • Values

A weak brand is the opposite, and this was my problem.


I wasn’t clear with what I did: I offered branding, but people mistook me for a social media marketer)


I wasn’t clear with my ideal clients: I targeted everyone and I kept changing my target market)


I wasn’t clear with my messaging: I’d talk about different things every week


I wasn’t clear with my visual identity: I redesigned my brand every year

I was confused with my brand, and so was my audience.

I ended up working with clients I didn’t like, offering services I didn’t enjoy, and creating content that was against my values and personality.

Of course, being a branding specialist meant constantly working on my brand.

So when I finally nailed it?

Everything started falling into place.

I attracted clients aligned with my personality, values, and work ethic…

I worked on projects I enjoyed so much that work didn’t feel like work…

I no longer had to negotiate with my rates because I was able to create a relationship founded by trust.

All because I became clear with my brand, who we’re for, and why we exist.

So if you’re having a hard time standing out, ask yourself this first:

Is my branding clear?

Whenever you're ready, here's how we can help:

🌟 Done-for-you Branding: Set up your marketing for success and become the top choice of your ideal clients. Learn more here or book a call to inquire.

📹 Undiscovered to Standing Out Training: Undiscovered to Standing Out Training: In this training, you’ll find out the 3 key ingredients that has helped my clients close a 7-figure project, and the #1 mistake most make when trying to stand out.